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art:berlin - National Architecture GDR - The former Stalinallee


The Stalinallee is known as one of the most exciting and monumental solutions for urban development and that is also why it is applying for the World Heritage List. Its architectural characteristics can be considered as a direct outcome of the young GDR State's political expression and economic possibilities in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. Especially German architects, either trained directly by the "Schule für Gestaltung Bauhaus" or radically influenced by the idea of the "Neues Bauen" in the 20s, were highly engaged during the planning and implementation of the project.

We follow the paths of this architectural history and its conflicts during a walk through the residential district.

in cooperation with the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung


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art:berlin by cpb

  • Bessemerstraße 22
  • D-12101 Berlin
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